TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - I know exactly what you mean...
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Subject I know exactly what you mean...
Posted by TeddyZ(SFC) on July 05, 2012 at 8:49 AM
  This message has been viewed 145 times.
In Reply To I love driving my car, but I get so paranoid about taking it posted by evan_aggie(ATX) on July 05, 2012 at 07:42 AM
Message living in Greece has opened my eyes to what crazy looks like on the roads. It's a literal sunday driver shit show.

First and foremost, road signs like STOP, No Left turn, No right turn and ONE WAY/Do Not Enter don't mean shit out here. Seriously, nothing. They are for decoration only and in some cases, you can't see them because they're covered by trees. Not paying attention, sign/no sign, is a sure way to t-bone someone or run over someone.

Then you have all the self important people that just can't wait to talk and are on the phone CONSTANTLY while they drive. In most cases it's a chick. I'm not being biased, I'm just stating an observation. 7 out of 10 I've seen personally is a chick on the phone or texting while driving.

THEN, you have the fuckin yellow taxis. These fuckers are kamikazes on crack. They stop wherever however and will usually cut across traffic to stop for a passenger. It's common for them to also pick up multiple passengers.

Every weekend is a literal crap shoot. You either make it or you don't. This is when all the people who normally don't drive because they ride mass transit all week come out in droves. Anyone over 18 and just getting behind the wheel will most definitely be out and let's face it, drunk driving is all over the place out here.

MOTORCYCLES and MOPEDS. These guys are the worst. A year round, all weather scourge that is everywhere. Buzzing in and out of traffic sometimes scraping a mirror. If you're not paying attention to what's going on around you, it's very easy to hit one and them to hit you. Either way, it's bad news and usually ends up in someone ending up dead.

The roads are sub-par. Some are ok, but most are absolute shit. I've suffered a blow out at night on a new highway because a chunk of the asphalt had come loose during a recent rain storm. Bottoming out if you're too low is a given unless you know the roads you're going on and stick to the main roads as those are usually decent to good.

Yet, you'll see cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, AMG Benz, McLaren, Lotus, Maserati and a shit ton of Porsche's. I don't see many 350's or 370's and almost no 300zx's (only 7 left out here).

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